Your health and well-being are of primary importance to Pain Free With Shaheen, which is why we ask you to read and consider this disclaimer carefully.
This website and the information contained therein is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any pathology or serious disease such as infections, cancers, tumours etc.
Shaheen Jaffary is a Clinical Reflexologist and Licensed SIRPA Practitioner (please see www.sirpa.org). The MindBody coaching strategies discussed during all consultations that form part of the Pain Free Programme form part of the SIRPA Approach. The SIRPA tools and approaches used are not designed to replace the care and supervision of members of your healthcare/medical team, nor do they guarantee a positive outcome since any outcome will be determined by several factors. Individual results may vary.
It is important that you discuss any health problems with the relevant health professionals (for example, your GP) before following the suggestions in this Programme. Before undertaking the Pain Free Programme it is important that you disclose all known physical or mental health conditions to Shaheen together with the results of any necessary medical tests already undertaken.
If at any point you wish to make any changes to prescribed medication, this should be discussed with your doctor first. Stopping or changing certain medications can cause physical or mental health symptoms.
The SIRPA Approach used in this programme encourages you to consider stressful events in your life and, based upon the growing body of evidence, asks you to view them as having a significant impact upon how you are feeling, physically and emotionally. If you are seeing a mental health professional, it is essential that you discuss the SIRPA Approach with your mental health specialist prior to commencing the programme, in order to ensure there are no reasons that would stop you from following the Pain Free Programme.
In the instance that you do experience any mental health/emotional difficulties while undergoing the programme you should seek advice from your doctor or mental health specialist.
If you have any concerns about your health you should consult your doctor. Pain Free With Shaheen is unable to accept liability for outcomes which arise from someone choosing to self-prescribe or ignore the terms and conditions of this disclaimer.