About Me
Hi and a lovely warm welcome from me, Shaheen Jaffary, Mind Body Coach and Clinical Reflexologist. I am so excited that you have found your way to my website. No doubt, you are here because you are suffering from chronic pain or some other stress-related condition. And I am here to help you regain your life. My sincere promise is to help you on your way to a healthier life, free from persistent ailments that have kept you restricted and stolen the spark out of your day to day living.
Pain Free After 21 Years: Never Lose Hope.
I know it seems difficult to believe: that one can recover after 21 years of chronic back pain. Pain that sometimes had me crippled, reduced me to tears, had me lying in bed all day, unable to be the mother I wanted to be, robbed me of so much freedom to live a normal life. But it is true. And something I could never have imagined when I was living in that experience.
My pain commenced when I was just 19 - a fit and healthy 19 year old - yet one day my back ‘ went out’ suddenly whilst I was vacuuming, rendering me immobile. I was diagnosed with a ‘slipped disk’ on the basis of simply a physical examination. “Take 6 weeks bed rest and painkillers”. That was my treatment protocol. Eventually the pain eased off and I resumed normal life. Only now I became the lady with the bad back. I never stopped to reflect on why the pain came in cycles or why the intensity would change: sometimes mild pain hovering all day long, at other times, usually when I was under huge stress, it became excruciating. Sitting, standing, exercising, housework…all became a huge challenge and activities to be dreaded. Then at times, usually when on holiday, I would have some respite from the symptoms.
But I failed to connect the dots. There was always some sort of justification in my mind for the eruption of the pain: I must have overdone the exercise; the bed mattress is too old; the office chair is too low-backed; the car accident I had a year ago has permanently damaged my spine….and so on and so forth.
I sought out alternative medicine, investing thousands of pounds over the years in acupuncture, osteopathic and chiropractic treatment, herbal medication, injections, not to mention special chairs, orthopaedic mattress, back supports, neck supports and all manner of gadgets that promised to rid me of the pain forever. Whilst these alternative treatments certainly helped, the relief was only temporary. I now understand this was due to the placebo effect. The underlying emotional root cause of the pain was not being addressed. Everything else was masking the symptoms.
Over the years, the symptoms got progressively worse, reaching new heights following our move to Dubai. Again I failed to connect my rising stress levels connected with the re-location abroad, the emotional turmoil due to separation from my wider family, and the pressures of homeschooling 3 young children, as well as the self-induced pressures from my perfectionist and highly-driven personality.
I visited numerous doctors, took increasingly stronger pain medication and finally had an MRI scan that revealed a severely herniated disc in L5-S1 region. I was advised surgery was my only recourse, otherwise I would be wheelchair bound in years to come. I began researching the relative merits and risks attached to spinal surgery and it was then that I came across the work of Dr John Sarno and how he was successfully curing people from chronic back pain without medicine, injections or surgery.
I ordered his book: ‘Healing Back Pain’ from which I commenced a new journey that led me to my ultimate recovery! I learned, with fascination, the true cause of my pain and other MindBody symptoms I had been plagued with: years of chronic stress, trauma and repressed negative emotions. It became apparent how these had commenced during my childhood years and continued into adulthood with my increased life responsibilities and adversities. Other factors that maintained my pain included the relentless fear of my pain and the frustration and suppressed rage at how my pain had overtaken my life. Over the course of just 12 weeks I was fully recovered! Pain free! And have been since almost 13 years now.
Life is full of everyday challenges but I have a new perspective now on how to face them which stops small niggling stress-related pain from becoming full-blown. Knowledge therapy has given me an understanding of why these mindbody symptoms manifest which allows one to controls the fear aspect, thereby calming the nervous system. I have also learned the power of self-care, self-compassion and learning to let go - to let go of what you cannot control, so as not to create unnecessary resistance within you.
I resumed my running, hiking, fitness training and re-trained to enter a new profession, dedicated to helping others now who are on the same journey as I had experienced. I too had been convinced that a structural problem diagnosed by the doctors was the cause of my chronic pain. Years of suffering robbed me of the joy from my life. But all that does not matter now. Not now that I am pain free.
From Corporate to Clinical
Before commencing my career in Mind Body Medicine, I spent several years working in the Corporate Property Sector and then later, in the Education Sector. I witnessed how easy it is to get immersed in fast-paced living, ever-increasing workloads and lack of work-life balance. In today’s ever-demanding world, the damaging effects of chronic stress upon one’s health is so rife, yet often ignored until it is too late.
I was fortunate enough to discover the root cause of my chronic pain, to fully heal and develop resilience to face my day to day stresses and ongoing challenges, which keeps me sane and healthy! And I want this for so many others too. My recovery journey inspired me to thus enter the Health Sector, focussing on stress-induced conditions. I started out 4 years ago as a Clinical Reflexologist and have developed my role further into Mind Body Coaching to work with sufferers of chronic pain, anxiety and other persistent symptoms - all which have been shown in studies to be stress-induced - after qualifying as a Licensed SIRPA Practitioner (Stress Illness Recovery Practitioners’ Association).
SIRPA: The Solution for Chronic Pain
Through the work of Neuroscience we know so much more now about how the brain is responsible for creating and maintaining chronic pain and a whole array of other ailments, due to many complex factors (please visit the Resources page to learn more about this). We also now know how this process is reversible by applying changes to the way we think and behave which work to re-condition the neural circuits that are responsible for the pain. Effectively this means one can become pain free. Unfortunately, sufferers are just not aware of the fact that there IS a real, viable solution to their chronic pain or other persistent mind body symptoms. My SIRPA training with the European leader in this field: Georgie Oldfield, Physiotherapist and author of: Chronic Pain: Your key to Recovery, has provided an evidenced-based approach to chronic pain healing. This, together with the growth of my knowledge and skill-base via continued professional development, is enabling me to successfully help patients heal from long standing pain and other symptoms where previously they had reached a dead end.
Work-Life Balance
I feel strongly that before I can help others, I need to invest in my own self-care first. I have implemented at some point each and every tool or stragey that I advise as part of my coaching role in my Pain Free Programme and therefore know that they are effective and very powerful. I continue to implement those that resonate with me to maintain my own good mental and physical health and particularly when I going through stressful periods. As a busy mother of 4 children I recognise the importance of taking time out for myself. I enjoy reading, knitting, meditating, running, fitness training and hiking .
Thrilled to have reached the summit of Mount Snowden, Wales. 2019
Qualifications and Training
Licensed SIRPA Practitioner
SIRPA (Stress Illness Recovery Practitioners’ Association) EST. 2010.
Primary Certificate in Stress Management
Approved by ISCP International Society for Coaching Psychology
Mindfulness Meditation Certificate
Training by Mindfulness Educators. Accredited by International Practitioners of Holistic Medicine.
Workshop: Assessment and Education for Patients with Neural Circuit Disorders
By Dr Howard Schubiner, Director of the Mind Body Medicine at Providence Hospital, Michigan.
EFT & TFT Practitioner Certification
Emotional Freedom Technique and Thought Field Therapy Tapping.
Level 5 Mastership in Clinical Reflexology
Level 4 Anatomy and Physiology, Jubilee College, UK